Jean-Baptiste Audrerie

Co-fondateur et Consultant en stratégie numérique, technologie et transformation RH - Nexa RH

Psychologue organisationnel, spécialisé en technologies RH et transformation, anticipe les tendances en gestion des talents et marketing, en contact avec l'industrie Techno RH et les plus récents développements en intelligence artificielle, big data, blockchain. 

Photo of Jean-Baptiste Audrerie
Comment voyez-vous l'évolution du recrutement?

Talent attraction is the new Recruitment hunting ground. Inbound and outbound marketing tactics, automation and customization — the levers of commitment for web and social sourcing — and experience design are all new capabilities and new skills that go beyond traditional requisition management, posting, preselection, offer and integration. Recruitment is at the forefront of all projects relating to growth, digital transformation, innovation and improved customer experience.