PATHS - Talent Acquisition

Talent acquisition

The Recruitment Toolkit, from the requirement to the job offer

1. The basics of recruitment

  • Overview of the global recruitment process
  • Legal considerations: Recruitment 101
  • Job definition and needs analysis: Working with Management and Establishing a Recruitment Agreement (SLA)
  • Attraction strategies
    • Employer brand and attraction levers
    • EVP: Employer Value Proposition
    • Marketing your job postings: Inspiration to breed creativity and originality in your job ads—Choosing the right channels
    • The candidate experience

2. Selection interviews

  • Telephone interviews
  • Face-to-face behavioural interviews
  • Psychometric tests—Finding your way around
  • Taking up references

3. The recruiter’s role

  • Networking and maintaining your network
  • Influencing and exercising your advisory role: The business partner
  • Choosing your recruitment provider
  • Providing feedback (to internal and external candidates, managers)
  • The recruiter’s emotional intelligence (the recruiter’s soft skills)