Zmartests, technical tests, online

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In Quebec, several online solutions have been developed for psychometric tests. On the other hand I am often asked if there are technical test platforms of the office type or languages. Well, this is the case with Zmartests, a platform launched recently. I had the pleasure to discuss it with Johanne Dumas, its founder.


Johanne, can you explain to us how the Zmartests project was born?


My career has mainly been devoted to the commercialization and deployment of human resources technologies and more specifically in the field of recruitment with, in addition, a few years at Taleo as a member of the team that participated in the launch of this project. solution on the market. This experience, combined with that of a shareholder of a recruitment agency specializing in administrative positions, allowed me to identify an unmet need to optimize the assessment process of basic technical skills, Microsoft Office Skills Office as well as language skills.


In 2014, we started the project to develop an innovative solution and officially launched Zmartests in the spring of 2016. The market response is excellent and we now have several customers in the healthcare, healthcare and healthcare network. education, the municipal sector and several companies of all sizes.


What tests are available?


At the time of this writing, we offer tests on Microsoft Office software: Word, Excel and Powerpoint (English and French), as well as language tests to validate the level of fluency in French and English. Note that the language tests were developed here in Quebec and are based on local language standards. Finally, we complete our offer with a typing speed test that measures both speed and accuracy.


Very important to note is that our Microsoft Office tests are completed on a virtualized software environment, which means that the person tested completes the handover in a real software installation, allowing the use of all the keys, functions and shortcuts to which she is accustomed. The correction is automatic and the results are instantly available.

Simulation de test Excel

We are currently working on developing a module that will allow our customers to configure and administer on our platform customized tests according to their area of ​​activity. Our goal is to enable our customers to centralize all their technical tests on a single solution.

How does the platform work?

The Zmartests solution is 100% web, for both test administrators and test-takers. Customers can subscribe and purchase a test package directly online on our website. A customer area is created and can be personalized with the employer's brand image (logo, slogan, etc.) Zmartests standard tests, configured to measure all levels of skills, are automatically made available to the new customer, but we can also work with our customers to configure tests that are customized to their needs for different types of positions to fill. Testing can be done in our clients' offices or remotely by sending an email invitation and using the validation test to ensure that the candidate has not received any help. As soon as a test is completed, the results are automatically available online or by email if the automatic notification option is activated.

Exemple de rapport

Your platform is self-learning, can you tell us more?

We do offer CAT (Computer Adaptive Testing) tests that automatically adapt to the level of the person being tested, as they progress through the test. An Excel entry level person will not be presented with advanced or expert level exercises, so progress in the test may stop at the intermediate level if they do not demonstrate sufficient proficiency to continue at the next level.

In return, we also offer static tests, that is to say that all skills included in a test will be presented to the person tested, regardless of his level of mastery. This type of test is often used in a syndicated context, because it is essential that the tests administered do not differ from one person to another.

For some customers, a combination of these two (2) types of tests is preferred. We work with our clients to understand their needs and offer the solution best suited to their business context.

What types of packages do you offer?

Our package offer is very flexible. Our customers may decide to purchase a minimum package of 5 tests (to test the solution or for a very specific need) or negotiate an agreement for several hundred or thousands of tests per year. Naturally, the unit price will vary according to the volume of tests included in a package. The agreements are annual and the test balance can be transferred to the following year.

How do you see the online test market evolve?

The online test market is mainly composed of two main categories: tests to validate the behavioral preferences of an individual (eg personality tests) and tests to measure the level of mastery of technical skills (eg Zmartests), and it is this area that interests us more particularly. In the past, the technical testing market proposed solutions that required very little innovation from suppliers (eg, multiple choice questionnaires). With the new technological advances, we can now consider platforms that will integrate video game approaches (gamification) to develop simulations or use artificial intelligence to recognize the way and the writing in a context of 'Evaluation. To this end, Montréal is positioning itself as a global innovation center, which is not without satisfaction and we intend to take advantage of all this local expertise to become a leader in our market.

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