Friends service providers, placement agencies and headhunters, stop being shoddy sellers and let's get on with our speech! Do we really need to use the following terms all the way?
- The Rare Gem: Used to Outrance! This week was for me once again during a presentation of a job posting provider. In turn, I promise to win the rare gem for ALL my positions. Ah?
- Listening to your needs: outdated term, and not only in HR. When a company or a person stands out because they say they listen to my needs, I would be curious to see the provider who does not ...
- Social networks: so fashionable that the provider is quick to mention that he uses them to find us the rare pearl. After analysis, 212 people follow him on Twitter, he 'spamme' LinkedIn by posting his posts in an untargeted way, and posted on his Facebook page positions of IT Director ... Assured success!
- The term is not new, but can you tell me who invented the term "talent acquisition". Did we really need to "revamp" our title? And to fill what void or need? Talent, by definition, is a special ability to do something, innate or acquired. The day I go to discover a "talented" candidate in the Mouk-Mouk Islands and that this specific talent is necessary for his hiring, I promise you to change the title. I am neither recruiter of the national line, nor a "talent scout". I do not acquire talent, it does not belong to me, I recruit. No hard feelings, I work with a lot of Talent Acquisition Consultants ... very talented!
And you, do you have expressions or terms that make you wince? Sourcing? Cringe ?
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