Imagine: a person applies for 500 jobs in one night, without ever clicking a button. This is now a reality thanks to artificial intelligence. Tools like LazyApply,…

I have often noticed in our training sessions that each recruiter adopts their own methods, developed over time and based on their experiences. It may seem enriching at first glance, but it sometimes results in a…

Ce mois-ci, nous avons rencontré Steve Racine, fondateur et CEO de…

I did not want to end the season with such an article, but we must admit that we will have some work to do at the beginning of the school year! 
I apologize, for this is a post which might seem resentful to…

Following the HR Tech event which took place on April 13th and 14th in Montreal, this is the third and last article in a series…

A return to real life! This week, HR Tech is back in Montréal. Event organized by…

You most probably know about the LinkedIn option for #opentowork job seekers, which allows you to appear in search without changing your position title.

Strangely enough, we have never speak about interns recruitment and academic relations at 

I met with Caroline Jost a few years ago as we were working on a joint project

Great first in Montreal with finally a Fair dedicated to HR technologies! Organized by Horizons RH, I contacted …

CHO position, or Chief Hapiness Officer, is currently in and popular! But it can mean so many things... I was curious to learn more about…

Hello Talent is a plateform that facilitates the recruitment activities. Talentsoft, who has developped Hello Talent, is…